Nature reserve Kronoberg

The nature reserve Kronoberg includes many burial sites.

When travelling from Växjö to Kronoberg, there is on the left-hand side a grave field consisting of approximately 75 graves from the early Iron. Age as well as one burial stone from the Bronze Age. From the old graveyard down towards the cultivated fileds on Kronobergs Kungsgård, and older mixed deciduous and conifer forests, dominated by conifer trees, spread out. This area, with its big oaks and beech trees growing in the edge towards the pastureland, is the nature reserve Kronoberg. By not touching the forest in the central part of the reserve, greater natural forest qualities can be received. The purpose of the management of the grounds closest to the road from the graveyard and up north and alongside field edges is to make sure that the big deciduous trees and pine trees can grow. The combination of big oaks and pine trees together with decaying timber, makes the area extremely important in an ecological perspective. There is also a lot of birds in the area in the reserve, for example tyro, accentor, grosbeak, wood-pigeon, golden oriole, Greenish Warbler and Red-Breasted Flycatcher.

More information

Kronoberg Naturreservat
352 63 Växjö


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